Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fielity Within the Bonds of Marriage

We live in a world full of dishonesty, one night stands, and free-for-all's. It is a rarity for people to wait for marriage to be intimate with someone. That is the way God intended sexual relations to be, between a husband and wife.
   Definition of Fidelity (n.): faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. (Taken from
   The traditional bonds of marriage are something that can't be compromised. Getting to share special moments, knowing you have someone by your side, and always having your spouse to work things out with you. In this day and age, it is becoming more popular to skip that whole step, and just continue on as if a couple is married, even when they are not.
   Intimacy is not disgusting, sinful, or wrong within the bonds of marriage. It is a gift from God, and it gives us the ability to reproduce, and reap the benefits of bringing children into this life. What a better way to bond than to start a family with the person you love?
   I am so excited to turn the love I have for my fiance into an eternal bond through marital covenants. I have been waiting to find my prince charming, and he has come. When I marry him in the temple this summer, that fidelity and 100% trust in each other will be strengthened even more. I know marriage can be difficult, and temptations will arise, because the world is filled with filth.
    I know as I stay faithful to my husband, we will both feel an exceedingly great amount of joy, inexplicable to those who choose not to be bound to the one person they want to spend eternity with.
To find out more about what I believe:

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