Thursday, May 14, 2015

Contract vs. Covenant

    Raising children in a home immersed in love, kindness, and charity is one of our most difficult, yet essential responsibilities in this life. Teaching them the importance of the gospel, and their role in Heavenly Fathers plan is not something that should be taken lightly. As the future generation develops and retains information, they must have the knowledge that the gospel will be a blessing in their lives. It will allow peace, happiness, and strength in discovering the role they play in this life.      
    Having parents who were bound by covenants in the temple brings a family many priceless blessings. Bringing up children who know of the sacredness and importance of these covenants will help them know of the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us. The significance of the holy temple can be taught through the guidance of the spirit, so the children are able to fully grasp this concept. It is so important to bring up the future generation knowing they are sealed to their family for eternity. This will bring great comfort in the future.
    Not only should children be taught the importance of the temple, but should be shown. Speaking reverently of the sacred ordinances, walking the grounds of the temple while singing primary hymns, placing pictures of the beautiful holy buildings on the walls of the home as a constant reminder, and helping them see the blessings that have been obtained in their own families will really help them gain a better understanding of its importance. In a message from the First Presidency called “What I Hope You Would Teach Your Children about the Temple”, it says that “the temple is an ever-present reminder that God intends the family to be eternal. How fitting it is for mothers and fathers to point to the temple and say to their children, ‘This is the place where we were married for eternity.’ By so doing, the ideal of temple marriage can be instilled within the minds and hearts of your children while very young.”
    The marriage between a husband and wife is sacred. Children should know that each parent has a divine role in making their marriage one that is filled with love and strength. Having a father that cherishes his priesthood power, and searches for opportunities to bless his family is vital. Being the patriarch of the home, and holding those priesthood keys will bring sacred blessings that are only attained by using that priesthood power regularly. As children in the home know of the blessings given to their family because of the father’s righteousness, they will have the desire to either follow in their father’s footsteps, or strive to be worthy of a husband who can bring these blessings in their future homes.
    In an Ensign article given by Elder Bruce C. Hafen called “Covenant Marriage”, he says this: “When troubles come, the parties to a contractual marriage seek happiness by walking away. They marry to obtain benefits and will stay only as long as they’re receiving what they bargained for. But when troubles come to a covenant marriage, the husband and wife work them through. They marry to give and to grow, bound by covenants to each other, to the community, and to God. Contract companions each give 50 percent; Covenant companions each give 100 percent.”
    If each spouse is 100 percent honest, faithful, loving, and devoted in their marriage, working together to raise a family in the gospel will be a joyous experience. A husband and wife must depend on each other for strength. A conference report given by President Joseph Fielding Smith, called “The Fullness of the Priesthood”, states that “There is nothing in all this world as important to each of us as putting first in our lives the things of God’s kingdom, as keeping the commandments, as magnifying our callings in the priesthood, as going to the house of the Lord and being offered the fullness of the blessings of our Father’s kingdom.”          
    As we all strive now and in the future to raise children to know of the importance of these sacred principles, blessings will come. Our Heavenly Father has given us all of the tools necessary to teach our children how to navigate their way through this world drenched in sin. Having a home that acts as an escape from the world is crucial. By speaking kindly, praying regularly, and keeping any worldly filth out of the walls of our personal homes, we will receive peace and everlasting joy throughout our lives here on earth.

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