Friday, May 29, 2015


   As I have studied different tactics on how to go about forming a strong marriage, a few things have 
stuck out like a sore thumb. One of the absolute most important things to do in a marriage is nurture the fondness and admiration you have for one another. When life gets hectic, (and believe me, it does) those moments when you first met, first held hands, first kissed, etc. are going to pull you out of that phase of frustration, and realize the value of your partner. With a change of heart, patience, love, and happiness will be a hallmark in your marriage. 
  Now, I tend to use my parents as examples quite often,but it is because I look up to them and would someday like to model my marriage similar to theirs. As I grew up in a home filled with love, charity, forgiveness, and service, I had an ideal setting to build a strong foundation. I learned what works in a successful relationship. Many times my parents would go on dates together, laugh at jokes from years past, talk about that coworker that my dad witnessed get taped to an office chair and pushed into an elevator, and just talking casually about things they could be improving on both together and personally. These attributes I have found in my parents marriage, have been very similar to what I have studied.

  A marriage does not work if one spouse is only giving 50%. An equally yolked relationship that is continuously strengthened through communication is the answer to success. Speak with one another, study together, pray together, strengthen those bonds whenever possible. Experiencing sacrifice and faith is the glue of morality. These principles can be implemented not only in a marital setting, but in relationships with family members as well. As we continue to communicate with one another, bonds will become more prevalent. I have seen these things in my own personal life, and I can truly testify of the strength and peace it can bring not only a married couple, but a family.

To find out more about what I believe:

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