Friday, May 8, 2015

More Than a Piece of Paper

    This is a topic that not many people have the courage to bring up, let alone stand for. It is one that has caused great conflict among countries all over the world, including the United States. We are fighting a moral battle every day. People being persecuted and harassed for standing with their feet firm in the religious opinion they hold close to their hearts. On the other hand, many have kept quiet in fear of damaging personal relationships, or creating harsh feelings. Same-sex marriage is an argument that has been brought up more often as our world evolves from traditional standards.
   Many people will argue, and phrases such as "my marriage and choices have nothing to do with you" or "my decision is a private matter and you don't need to worry about me" are thrown around quite often. These statements are not true. Marriage is a lot more than a piece of paper or sexual attraction. The institution of marriage is a structure that shapes our communities, and guides the future generations to follow in the footsteps of their parents. In an article produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called "The Divine Institution of Marriage" it speaks of this matter. "The all-important question of public policy must be: what environment is best for the child and for the rising generation? While some same-sex couples will obtain guardianship over children, traditional marriage provides the most solid and well-established social identity for children. It increases the likelihood that they will be able to form a clear gender identity, with sexuality closely linked to both love and procreation. By contrast, the legal recognition of same-sex marriage may, over time, erode the social identity, gender development, and moral character of children." Parents of the same gender will tend to confuse the children they raise. The children are bound to have more self doubt and feelings of inadequacy and the parents will promote gender changes, same-sex marriage, and other things that destroy the makeup of the family.
  The definition of marriage has been altered over time to accommodate those who don't "fit the mold" of a traditional marriage. The people today are so wrapped up in the need to tiptoe around the opinions and feelings people have, and willingly share. Social media plays a big part in doing so. As we take a stand, and make our opinions and beliefs clear, we are bound to get negative feedback. Either way, there could be someone who did not have the courage that you had to do so, and is grateful for your courage; this is what's most important. Taking a stand for what is truly right.

   As people in the homosexual community force their lifestyles upon the other members of society, especially members of Christian congregations, we are slowly becoming victims in the hot seat. Our rights are being taken away because feelings would be hurt if we do not oblige. So many people in the wedding industry, adoption agencies, and other religious institutions are trying to hold to what they believe to be true, but are being persecuted, sued, and mocked for doing so.  Our freedom of speech and religion are slowly slipping because of this new idea that equality is a necessity. A single person will never be able to please everybody. Also, not everybody will be equal. Legalizing gay marriage will bind the hands of people who don't agree with the concept, forcing them to put a smile on their face and do things that violate their beliefs.

   Turning to the scriptures to find the answer is always a logical solution. In Luke 6:32-33, Jesus Christ teaches that no matter what the sinner is doing, we can love each person just the same. It is okay to love the sinner, but not condone the sin. Christ's example manifested the greatest love possible. Elder Dallin H. Oaks observes this: "Tolerance does not require abandoning one's standards or one's opinions on political or public policy choices. Tolerance is a way of reacting to diversity, not a command to insulate it from examination" We must be tolerant, but also stand on the firm foundation of the gospel for support in doing so. In my personal experience, people I have grown very close to have been involved in same-sex relationships. They know that I don't agree with their actions, but still are able to feel the love I have for them, just as any other person would. Let this be our goal. Calling names, antagonizing, and bullying do not show what side you are on. 

   In conclusion, the lack of balanced roles both in the home and in our everyday lives is eminent. A mother and father are essential when bringing up the future generation. This world is turning its back on traditional values and the people are only digging a deeper hole in their own hearts. As this world is evolving and forming stronger opinions, The Lord's commandments have not changed. It is becoming more difficult to stand by them, but it is crucial in this day and age. The Lord's commandments are set, and it is our decision which side we choose. The family is being attacked, and is slowly losing its meaning. By standing firm in our beliefs, the hopes of raising a strong future generation can still become a reality. 

   To find out more about what I believe: 

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